Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cool Couponing Site and a Giveaway

I really admire my friend, Racquel, who like me also has three young kids, who are actually eerily spaced apart almost exactly like mine! She and her husband are super great about making a budget, meal plan, and actually sticking to it. I have a long way to go to get to that point. I'm pretty good at making it, but we aren't always great about sticking to it. Anyway, Racquel is also amazing with coupons!!! I've recently been really studying up on coupons and how to make our money go as far as possible. Racquel linked to her friend's blog to share her system. Her friend, Lauren is the one she said taught her everything she knows. Racquel saves A LOT of money on groceries, and I want to also!!! Sooooo I'm blogging about this giveaway, and I'm really hoping I win a super duper coupon organizer!

See how cool it is?

Check out Racquel's blog and Lauren's blog for really awesome tips and couponing goodness.